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Dog Care

Ways To Keep Fido Fit  

March 15, 2024

Is your canine companion a lively, bouncy ball of fur? Or do you have a four-legged couch potato? Whatever class your pup falls into, he will require proper exercise to stay happy and healthy. Of course, Fido’s doggy workouts can vary tremendously. A local Sandwich, MA veterinarian provides some advice on this below. How Can I Make My Dog More Active? Have you heard the expression that you can lead a horse to water but … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Seeing Eye Dogs In the Spotlight

January 15, 2024

Did you know that the official Seeing Eye Dog celebration day is on January 29th? Seeing Eye Dogs, or guide dogs, are pups that have been specially trained to serve as their owners’ eyes. These amazing canines help thousands of people with visual impairments to live independently every year.  A local Sandwich, MA veterinarian discusses seeing eye dogs in this article.   Is There Any Difference Between Guide And Seeing Eye Dogs?   For the … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Dog Resolutions For 2024

January 01, 2024

Happy New Year! As we welcome in 2024, it’s probably safe to assume that many of our furry patients are starting 2024 with wagging tails and happy grins. We love that endearing doggy enthusiasm! And while your canine companion may not comprehend your resolutions, he’ll still be by your side, offering support as you work towards your goals. Of course, Fido may also have his own plans for the year ahead. In this article, a … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Fall Dog Treats

October 15, 2023

Autumn is in the air! The leaves are changing, and the temperatures are cooling off. Many of you are likely enjoying some of your favorite seasonal foods, whether that means a pumpkin spice latte, fresh apple cider, or candy corn. Our canine pals can also enjoy a few autumn classics. A local vet offers some tips on giving Fido some fall treats in this article. Pumpkin Yums For this one, you’ll mix pureed plain pumpkin … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

How Do I Keep My Dog Entertained When Left Alone?

June 01, 2023

As much as we’d like to spend all our time with our canine companions, work and other obligations makes this all but impossible. And while it may be OK to leave Fido alone when you’re gone, boredom and even anxiety can get the best of him. When this happens, you’re likely to return home to what looks like a war zone or worse. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your furry buddy … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Dog Anxiety Awareness Week Is May 1st to May 7th!

May 01, 2023

May 1st to May 7th marks the start of dog anxiety awareness week! For those who don’t know, this is an annual event that aims to educate people on how common and serious dog anxiety can be. It’s also meant to help owners learn more about dog anxiety so that they can better understand their pets and what they need in order to thrive.   Read on as a local vet talks about dog anxiety … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Why Is My Dog’s Paw Pad Swollen?

April 01, 2023
Dog lying on floor

If you notice that your dog’s paw pads are swollen, it could be a sign of something serious. But before you panic and rush your pup to the vet, it’s important to determine if there is an underlying medical problem causing those puffy paws.    Read on as a local vet talks about some common causes of swollen paw pads in dogs.   A Splinter   Splinters can be painful, but they’re also dangerous if … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

How Do You Know If Your Dog Is Allergic to Spring?

March 01, 2023

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. Your lawn will be green and lush, the birds will be chirping, and the flowers will bloom. But spring can also be a time of sickness for your dog!    Dogs get allergies like humans do, and they can have allergic reactions to all sorts of things in their environment. Read on as a local vet discusses some common signs that Fido may be having an allergic … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Is It Better to Adopt or Buy a Dog?

February 15, 2023

Some people have strong feelings about whether it’s better to adopt or buy a dog. Some people prefer to buy dogs from breeders and other people prefer to adopt dogs from shelters. There are also some people who feel that neither of these options is right or wrong, but rather that each person should decide for themselves which is best for them. If you’re trying to decide what is best for you, read on as … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Holiday Gifts For Senior Dogs

December 15, 2022
Brown adult dog biting on a blue ribbon with a red gift

The holiday season is going full speed ahead. Of course, many of our canine patients are also prone to going full speed ahead, though others prefer to quietly plod along. If your dog is in his golden years, he’s probably in the latter group. Fido’s age is definitely something to consider when picking out gifts for him! A Bourne, MA vet lists some great gifts for pups in their golden years below.  Beds Making sure … Read More »

492 Route 6A
East Sandwich, MA 02537
(508) 888-2774
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