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Choosing Dog Toys
Does your canine buddy get super excited when he sees that you have a new

Feline Leukemia
Feline leukemia virus is one of the most common—and most dangerous—infectious diseases that can affect

Tips For Taking Fido To The Park
Does your furry bestie enjoy going to the park? Many of our canine companions absolutely

Summer Hazards For Cats
Every season brings its own set of risks for pets. Summer is no different. While

Dog Bite Prevention
Did you know that over 4.5 million people are attacked by dogs each year in

The Dangers of Blue-Green Algae – Important Information for Pet Owners
Many of the lakes and ponds around the Bourne, MA area harbor a hidden danger.

Things To Know Before Adopting A Ferret Sandwich, MA
Are you considering adopting a ferret? Though they might not be to everyone’s taste, ferrets

Pallas Cat Day
You’ve heard the saying that every dog has its day. Well, we think every kitty